Our environment can influence our health.
Built Environment is the infrastructure around you, it can be encouraging and discouraging for movement such as biking and walking. It also includes the appearance of your surroundings. At Healthy Klamath, built environment is one of our primary focus areas, because it can influence your community pride, physical activity and sense of place. Whether it's increasing quality or miles of trails, a separated bike lane to improve safer biking conditions or an ADA accessible playground providing access to kids and families of all abilities, it's improving the overall physical elements in our community.
Opt for the outside environment.
Get out on the trail and get some steps in.
Did you know that the Klamath Trails Alliance maintains 111 miles of trails in Klamath County?
Some of the projects we’ve worked on.
Link River Trail Wayfinding
In 2019 Healthy Klamath had the opportunity to apply for funds from the 10 Minute Walk Campaign. This opportunity stemmed from Mayor Carol committing to increasing access to the parks in Klamath Falls. Fortunately, our community is encased with great trails, but they lack signage and connectivity. It was identified that a high priority for our community was to have clear, consistent, comprehensive wayfinding system with signage that would provide enough information that trail users could "find their way". By increasing maps, direction signage and mileage markers we hope to see increased utilization of our trail system overall. The Link River Trail was chosen as the first of many trails to receive a new signage system, because of the size, usage and partnership. Check out the new signs on the Link River Trail and get some steps in!
The Pedlet Program Downtown
Pedlets are a great way to increase business income! They are a form of parklets, which are designed for extension of retail space. Parklets were first introduced in San Francisco, CA they were an urban way to increase outdoor dining without a large cost to the business. A business in Twin Falls, implemented pedlets and saw a 20% increase in revenue!
Roundabout Art Project (In Progress)
Roundabouts are starting to pop up everywhere lately, but why? What are the benefits of a roundabout and why are they being installed everywhere? Roundabouts are something that have shown to improve overall traffic flow and safety. Klamath County worked with ODOT to install the very first roundabout on the Southside Bypass, to lessen auto accidents and overall speed. To beautify the roundabout, we have been working with local artist Stefan Sevides to build a beautiful sculpture that will go in the center with landscape surrounding it.