Sign Up For The National Diabetes Prevention Program
Learn how to make lifestyle changes to prevent diabetes.
Classes starting in September!
The Sky Lakes Wellness Center’s Diabetes Prevention Program groups meet for a year—almost weekly for the first 6 months. The program focuses on helping you make long-term changes for lasting results.
Classes are led by trained lifestyle coaches who can help you change lifestyle habits to help you lose weight and get more active. Losing a small amount of weight and getting regular physical activity can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 58 percent!
You will learn to:
Eat healthy.
Add physical activity to your life.
Manage stress.
Stay on track when eating out.
This lifestyle change program is not a fad diet or an exercise class. And it’s not a quick fix. It’s a year-long program focused on long-term changes and lasting results.
Fill out the form to receive a call with more information about the program.
Prevent diabetes
More than 84 million Americans—1 in 3 adults—have prediabetes, and 90% of them don't even know it! Prediabetes is a condition where blood sugars are higher than normal but aren’t high enough to be classified as diabetes. The Diabetes Prevention Program is designed for people who have prediabetes or are at risk for type 2 diabetes, but who do not already have diabetes. The lifestyle change program is proven to help people with prediabetes prevent or delay development of type 2 diabetes.