Nutrition for Healthy Pregnancies
We now know that the risk for most chronic diseases, like obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease, starts before birth and in the first years of life. This risk can be passed down from parent to child. Poor nutrition – before pregnancy, during pregnancy and breast feeding and during the first two years of life – affects how organs in the body develop. This can increase the risk for chronic disease as an adult.
Healthy food before and during pregnancy leads to healthier babies
While they are growing in their mother, babies use healthy food to build a strong heart, brain and body. If babies don’t have enough nutrition, their organs will not be as robust. This leads to a higher risk of diabetes and heart disease as adults.
Our health as adults is shaped during our early life.
The time from the beginning of pregnancy to age two is the most important time for growth and development. This is when the risk for chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease is formed. During this time, good nutrition can build a strong base for a child’s future.
The health of our communities tomorrow depends on parents having healthy babies today
Our children will grow up and become parents. It is up to all of us to make sure today’s children they have access to healthy foods and a supportive community. Making sure our children grow into healthy adults will ensure our communities can thrive.
Healthy Body, Healthy Baby, Healthy Life
Print and share this brochure, or email to request printed copies to distribute to your patients and clients.
Professor Patti’s 12 Points about Nutrition during Pregnancy
Watch this short video explaining how nutrition during pregnancy affects lifelong health and share it with your patients and clients.
Healthy Klamath Connect
This online tool helps connect individuals with resources like food assistance, nutrition education, job training, child care, medical care, and more in Klamath County. Simply input your zip code and the category of service needed and it provides a list of programs with services offered, eligibility and contact information.