To be a balanced, beautiful and accessible community.

Here are some key themes that we heard in our community listening sessions.

Sharing experiences


Food access




Community pride


Access to care










Emergency response


Drug and alcohol


Mental health


Rural isolation








Sharing experiences 〰️ Food access 〰️ Diversity 〰️ Community pride 〰️ Access to care 〰️ Housing 〰️ Poverty 〰️ Jobs 〰️ Transportation 〰️ Emergency response 〰️ Drug and alcohol 〰️ Mental health 〰️ Rural isolation 〰️ Wildfire 〰️ Children 〰️ Infrastructure 〰️

Review the CHIP gallery below and rank your top 5 priority areas.

  • Clean Air

    Klamath County: Wildfire smoke and woodstove smoke both contribute to poor quality throughout the year.

    Local Resources: Air Quality Zone, monitor at Peterson School, personal monitors, cleaner air spaces with air filters and scrubbers, Cascade Health Alliance, Klamath County Public Health, The Klamath Tribes

  • Drought

    Klamath County: Klamath County is in its third year of emergency declaration due to drought. The National Integrated Drought Information System listed January through March 2022 as the driest year to date over the past 128 years.

    Local Resources: Federal, state and local programs for domestic water, agriculture and economic losses, The Klamath Tribes, Klamath Water Users Association

  • Wildfire

    Klamath County: In 2021, the Bootleg Fire burned 413,717 acres in and near Klamath County. There have been other, smaller fires in recent years, too. Wildfire smoke has caused poor air quality throughout the county in the last several years.

    Local resources: Oregon Department of Forestry, US Department of Forestry, local equipment operators, Red Cross, The Klamath Tribes, Klamath County government agencies

  • Access to Care

    Klamath County: US News & World Report scores Klamath County 57 of a perfect 100 for hospital bed availability, people with no health insurance, and primary care doctor availability. In the 2022 County Rankings & Roadmaps, 13% of Klamath County adults were uninsured, with 4% of children uninsured. In 2020, Klamath County was a health professional shortage area for primary care providers for low income clients, dental providers for low income/migrant farm worker/homeless clients, and mental health providers for the geographic region including Lake County.

    Local resources: Klamath Tribal Health & Family Services, Cascade Health Alliance, Lions Clubs helping with hearing and sight issues, free dental days, Basin Medical Transit, Basin Transit Authority

  • Healthcare Cost and Affordability

    Klamath County: 15% of Klamath County residents surveyed said cost prevented them from using health care services in the past year.

    Local resources: Klamath Tribal Health & Family Services, Cascade Health Alliance, Lions Clubs helping with hearing and sight issues, free dental days, Oregon Health Plan, ScreenWise

  • Food Insecurity and Hunger

    Klamath County: More than 18% of survey respondents said they worried about having enough food to eat. The 2022 County Rankings & Roadmaps indicated 15% of Klamath County residents were experiencing hunger, and 13% had limited access to healthy foods. 64% of children are eligible for free or reduced-price school lunches.

    Local resources: Klamath Lake Counties Food Bank, WIC, SNAP, Klamath Farmers’ Online Market, The Klamath Tribes , Klamath Farmers Market, Local Churches

  • Housing Availability and Cost

    Klamath County: About 12% of survey respondents did not have housing, or were worried about housing. The 2022 County Rankings & Roadmaps indicated 19% of Klamath County residents had severe housing problems. Severe housing costs were a burden for 15% of county residents. Overcrowding was experienced by 3% of residents, with 2% reporting inadequate facilities.

    Local resources: Klamath Housing Authority, The Klamath Tribes, Klamath & Lake Community Action Services, churches

  • Maternal and Child Health

    Klamath County: Conversations with mothers indicate they may skip care for themselves to focus on their families. Klamath County has consistently had higher infant death rates than the state of Oregon. The 2022 County Rankings & Roadmaps indicated the death rate of infants was 6 in every 1,000 births. The child death rate was 66 for every 100,000 children in the county under 18. Low birthweight was experienced by 8% of infants, while the Rankings also indicated 28% of household income was necessary to pay for childcare expenses. 13% of youth were deemed disconnected by the Rankings. 21% of Klamath County’s children live in poverty and 26% live in single-parent homes.

    Local resources: Prenatal care, WIC, Hope Pregnancy Center, TOTs coalition, Klamath Falls Nutrition Oregon Coalition Hub

  • Oral Health

    Klamath County: The Rural Health Information Hub indicates all of Klamath County has a shortage of dental care. In the last Healthy Teens Survey, 67% of high school juniors and 65% of eighth graders in Klamath County had been seen by a dental hygienist or dentist in the past year. Those having had cavities were 68% of juniors and 60% of eighth graders. 50.4% of respondents to the 2021 Klamath County Community Health Assessment survey had been seen by a dentist or dental hygienist in the past year.

    Local resources: Klamath Basin Oral Health Coalition, Free Dental Days, Local Dentist, OIT

  • Physical Activity

    Klamath County: In the 2022 County Rankings & Roadmaps, 29% of Klamath County residents were not physically active; 53% had access to exercise opportunities. In 2021, 23% were physically inactive.

    Local resources: Fitness centers, trails, sidewalks, parks, Healthy Klamath Classes, Senior Center Classes, Gyms, KTA, City Parks, Ella Redkey

  • Physical Health

    Klamath County: In 2016, the County Rankings & Roadmaps showed Klamath County residents averaged 4.2 poor physical health days each month. In 2021 the report was 5 days, with 2022 at 4.7 days. Frequent physical distress was experienced by 15% of residents in the 2022 report; 22% reported poor or fair health.

    Local resources: Klamath Health Partnership, Klamath Tribal Health, Sky Lakes Medical Center, Private Providers, Acupuncture, Tater Tots, Physical Therapists

  • Mental Health

    Klamath County: In 2015, the County Rankings & Roadmaps showed Klamath County residents averaged 3.7 poor mental health days each month. In 2021 the report was 5.4 days, with 2022 showing 5.1 days. Frequent mental distress was experienced by 17% of the residents in the 2022 report.

    Local resources: KBBH, Klamath Health Partnership, Klamath Tribal Health & Family Services’ Youth & Family Guidance Center, Dragonfly Transitions., Private Counselors and Therapists

  • Overall Health

    Klamath County: In 2016, the County Rankings & Roadmaps showed 17% of Klamath County residents reported having poor or fair health. In 2022, the documentation reflects 22% of county residents experience poor or fair health. The Rankings also showed 36% had insufficient sleep (less than 7 hours each night), 19% of adults smoked and 32% of adults were obese.

    Local resources: KBBH, Klamath Health Partnership, Klamath Tribal Health, Sky Lakes Medical Center

  • Social Isolation

    Description goes hereKlamath County: More than one-third of Klamath County’s population lives outside of Klamath Falls urban area. The 2022 County Rankings & Roadmaps indicated 38% of Klamath County residents are in rural parts of the county. In the 2021 Klamath County Community Health Assessment survey, 10.3% of respondents said distance and weather prevented them from using health care services; 4.6% said social isolation prevented them from having better health.

    Local resources: Churches, community groups, service clubs, senior center

  • Trauma and Chronic Stress

    Klamath County: In the 2022 County Rankings & Roadmaps, 17% of Klamath County residents said they were in frequent mental distress.

    Local resources: Klamath Tribal Health & Family Services’ Youth & Family Guidance Center, Klamath Basin Behavioral Health, independent therapists, churches, fitness agencies.

  • Chronic Illness

    Klamath County: In the 2022 County Rankings & Roadmaps, 15% of Klamath County residents said they were in frequent physical distress. In a different survey, 22% said they were being treated for a chronic illness.

    Local resources: Klamath Health Partnership, Klamath Tribal Health & Family Services, Sky Lakes Medical Center.

  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse

    Klamath County: Drug overdoses have increased in the last year. In the 2021 County Rankings & Roadmaps, the rate was 20 per 100,000 people, while in 2022 it was 41 per 100,000 people. 20% of Klamath County residents reported excessive drinking in the current Rankings, down from 22% in 2021.

    Local resources: Klamath Tribal Health & Family Services’ Youth & Family Guidance Center, KBBH, Red is the Road to Wellness, The Stronghold

  • Suicide Prevention

    Klamath County: In 2020 there were 23 suicide deaths in Klamath County. The 2022 County Rankings & Roadmaps reflected an age-adjusted suicide rate of 33 per 100,000 population and the crude rate was the same.

    Local resources: You Matter 2 Klamath coalition

Rank Your Top 5

Take a minute to take this brief, two question survey to rank your top 5 priority areas from the gallery above.